Sunday, July 11, 2010

8 Vital Pieces of Everyday Data for DL Admininistrators

I always have these on hand since this information is pure gold. Some of these I review every day, and others I review weekly or monthly. But each is critical to ongoing online program evaluation and continuous improvement.

  1. Student Retention Rates (Course Completion)
  2. Student Grade Performance, particularly as it compares to face-to-face counterpart courses.
  3. Enrollment
  4. Demographic Trends (is the population getting older, younger, etc.?)
  5. Student Usage and Satisfaction with Support Services
  6. Faculty Usage and Satisfaction with Faculty Support Services
  7. Graduation and Year-to-Year Retention (do students who take some or all courses online graduate sooner?)
  8. Student Withdrawals (why do some students not persist? is any of this related to the course, the instructor, or support services? are any of the causative factors within our control?)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved to read your blog. I would like to suggest you that traffic show most people read blogs on Mondays. So it should encourage blogger to write new write ups over the weekend primarily
Although this chat is relatively old, it was interesting to read ...